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Add On Services

Invest in Yourself

Add-On Ultra Glow LED/Ultrasound Therapy


This is a Facial Add-On Service. LED light therapy encourages natural cell renewal and tissue healing. Damage caused by the sun, environment, aging, and other external factors can be safely and painlessly remedied with focused LED light. Ultrasound is high level sound wave technology that is used to penetrate deep beneath skin surface, promoting cellular renewal/repair, toning muscles, increasing blood circulation, encouraging lymphatic drainage, combating puffiness and swelling, and improving skin care product penetration.

Add-On Microdermabrasion


This is a Facial Add-On Service.  This treatment is a minimally invasive exfoliation procedure that helps renew overall skin tone and texture.  It can improve the appearance of sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, acne scarring, melasma, and other skin-related concerns and conditions.

Add-On High Frequency Treatment


This is a Facial Add-On Service. A high frequency treatment used to tighten lax skin, promote collagen growth, and improve local circulation.  (This is a great add on for those with acne as high frequency helps kill bacteria).

Add-On Chemical Peel


This is a Facial Add-On Service. A deeper exfoliation process to improve the appearance of skin. Great to help with hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, and breakout prone skin. Peel types include salicylic, glycolic, lactic, Jessner, and TCA.  We'll discuss the right one for your skin type.

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